The Fame Game by Lauren Conrad

My two cents:

Confession time – I couldn't get through Lauren Conrad's 2010 novel, Sugar and Spice, and I tried valiantly. Really, I did (It was a New York Times bestseller, after all). I made it to p. 81, Chapter 9, and there the page remains turned down, because I never picked up the “L.A. Candy” novel again. But, SHOCKER (to me, at least), I was intrigued enough to pick up Conrad's new novel, THE FAME GAME, and I finished it in two days. THE FAME GAME takes up where Sugar and Spice leaves off, with uber-ambitious, blonde-and-beautiful Madison Parker. Madison's old boss, Trevor Lord, has a new reality television series in mind for her called “The Fame Game,” where she'll have the starring role (pinkie swear – for real). Gaby, Carmen and Kate are signed on to play Madison's “best friends in the series.” The show's plot line chronicles their relationships, their jobs, and their respective struggles to “make it” in Hollywood. If this plot line sounds familiar, it is. Author Laurel Conrad, herself, starred in two reality television shows, MTV's Laguna Hills: The Real Orange County, and The Hills. So part of the fun, in reading the book, is wondering if Conrad's inside scoop on filming a reality show is true. I love the constant texting in Conrad's novel, from “The Fame Game's” producers to the actors, prompting them what to say next and what to do next. It's hilarious. If that's real, then Conrad is extremely skilled at writing tongue-in-cheek, and the only real thing about reality shows, is that the actors don't have scripts. Lots and lots of direction, but no scripts. So the novel's entertaining. Not too different from devouring a celebrity magazine, while you're standing in the grocery line, and yet, I've already googled Conrad to see when the sequel to THE FAME GAME is coming out. (Starstuck, October 2012).

Length: 313 pages

Worth Your Time? Maybe. It seems like there are margaritas and champagne on every other page, lots AND LOTS of detail on what the characters are wearing, and a couple of f-words, here and there, to keep everything real. No mention, well, not much, of anything resembling spirituality. So, while entertaining, the novel's a little empty. Is that the point? Lauren, are you listening?


  1. I loved this post. Incredibly witty, I don't believe I will be reading this book though.


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